Who We Are

Maple Peak Puppies is a small scale, home-based provider of "furever" best friends, with a focus on Goldendoodles. We believe that the path we walk in life isn't complete without a set of paw prints next to us!


Maple Peak Puppies cares for our little ones from the moment of conception, from simple things like puppy play time and proper diets to regular checkups and vaccinations.


We work with you to answer questions and assist you even after adoption to be 100% sure that your new furry family member has the best home possible.


Every Maple Peak puppy that enters our life is a blessing, and we work hard to ensure that each dog is treated with love and kindness both while they are with us and in their "furever" home!

Meet Our Family

We aren't just housemates and best friends... we're all part of the same pack!


The Alpha Pooch

Golden Retriever

Six years old, and commonly referred to as Pacman, this pup loves swimming, chasing sticks, and giving high fives like they are going out of style.


Queen of Sunbeams

English Cream Golden Retriever

Now a retired Mom, and turning eight in short order, Pyrrha's pastimes include chewing bones, tug-of-war, gleefully using her tail like a weapon, and cuddling.


The Curly Girl

Golden Doodle

Our youngest family member at four years old, Penny's favorite activities both start and end with snuggling. Seriously. She loves to snuggle more than life itself; it's the best.

Interested in adoption?

Feel free to message us on Facebook!
Or you can give us a call!
Maple Peak Puppies
(440) 299-7967
Mon - Fri 9:00am - 5:00pm
Follow us on Facebook!